Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the functioning of organizations and the increasing social and economic significance of the results of activity of economic entities in the sphere of culture. In this case, the orientation of the management of cultural institutions is in the direction of higher levels of economic activity, utility and profitability. In this regard, there is the question about the effectiveness of the institutions of culture not only in economic but also in social sphere. The need for the implementation of the project “national centre of restoration of musical instruments” as a scientific-educational center is proved by the fact that the budgetary allocation for its creation and development will support the unique mission of the center for the broadcast world tradition of preserving material heritage of musical culture. On the other hand, it will contribute to a social result, which is expressed in the effectiveness of the protection events of the musical objects of cultural heritage. A separate issue is the preservation of cultural heritage, including tangible objects and music culture through a series of government support measures. However, in recent years, there is a tendency to stagnation in the share of expenditure on culture. The article presents the planned expenditures of the budgetary system, which is planned spending on culture be left at 0.5% of GDP. On the other hand, financing of applied scientific research in the field of culture has increased. This decision is connected with the growing social and economic significance of the results of activity of economic entities in the sphere of culture in the direction of higher levels of economic activity, utility and profitability. The feasibility of the implementation of the project “national centre of restoration of musical instruments” as a scientific-educational center is to broadcast the world’s traditions of preservation of material heritage of musical culture and assist in attracting private investment in projects and activities for restoration and examination of objects of musical culture.

Russian Federation, cultural heritage, government support, government funding, security and accessibility, social impact, share of expenditure, tangible musical culture, state centre for restoration of musical instruments, high school

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