Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of legal regulation of training for the sphere of recreation and sports tourism and evaluation of the quality and knowledge level. The author presents the scheme of functioning of system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sports tourism. He shows the mechanisms of interaction between the system of training, retraining and skills development with community employers through professional accreditation and professional standards in the training system. Such mechanisms could include joint community participation of employers and developers of basic and additional professional educational programs in the preparation and implementation of professional standards, community participation of employers in the formation of the main and additional professional educational programs with the requirements of professional standards, independent assessment of quality of graduates in terms of carrying out the state final certification public accreditation of associations of employers. The author describes the features of state and public accreditation. There is also the urgency of the implementation of public accreditation system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sports tourism. There is presented the analysis of normative legal acts determining the categories of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sport tourism, and the contradictions in the regulatory legal acts indicating a lack of common understanding of the professions of recreation and sport tourism. The author proposes priority measures of improving the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sport tourism from the viewpoint of improvement of normative-legal acts.

recreation, sport tourism, law, educational standard, professional standard, training, accreditation, certification, instructor-guide, guide-interpreter

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