Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to solving the problem of actualization, search, implementation and further development of the educational capacity of school tourism. Using the environmental approach to the organization of educational space of a school, the potential is defined as the aggregate of the environment cash, its resources and possibilities. The author, paying attention to the regent function of education in modern education, highlights the most significant directions of updating of educating potential tourist activity. These are methodical, psychological and pedagogical, organizational and managerial areas. Methodological direction is the methodical support of teachers, organizing school tourism, the design and implementation of the activities for updating and development of educating potential in the unity of curricular and extracurricular activities of students. Psycho-pedagogical direction focuses on the creation of the child-adult community, self-revelation and selfrealization potential of the individual as teacher and learner. Managerial direction is the development of professional and personal qualities of the teacher in the organization and implementation of tourist activity of pupils. The article presents a scheme of the implementation model of the above areas, which reflects the goals, objectives and their implementation. The article reveals the essence and summary of the main directions of development of educating potential of tourism activity in educational organizations. The presented materials will help in modeling the development of the educational system of school and will help to actualize educational function of tourism activity.

tourism activities, educational organization, educational potential of the tourist activity

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