Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the question of external assistance to foster families. While in an orphanage a child in need of aid falls into the target audience of the activities of charities and other organizations. Orphanages are well informed. There is a well-established system of interaction of orphanages with the guardianship and charitable organizations. The hierarchy system of care for orphans allows, at the initiative of the teachers and administrative staff, to cope with the problems associated with the pedagogical process in the child’s upbringing, with the status of orphans residing at the institution. However, there may be problems in attracting external assistance: more stringent are the requirements for those people who are willing to volunteer and work with children. When the child releases into the foster care, his status changes, and foster parents are forced to decide difficult questions arise concerning the health, education, further education, household needs, physical, psychological and socio-cultural adaptation of the child. In blood family, the child is in the stages of preparation for independent living gradually. Adoptive parents are forced into raising a child who already has social experience, and often negative. In the public mind the question of assistance of various kinds, such a child is not as acute: there is a man who took upon himself the authority of the care of the minor, this is his foster parent (foster parents). It is necessary to inform foster parents about what funds are working with orphans; what is the target audience of the Fund, and how it can help prepare a foster child for future life. In the article there is the possibility of application to various funds on solving some of the problems, as well as for positive pedagogical effect of the process of obtaining external assistance. In addition, the article provides an example of the activities of the Center foster families “Tenderness” in the village of Vyritsa of the Leningrad region, which is a unique community of foster families, leading activities to foster children and their preparation for future life through support.

foster families, orphans, orphans-children, socio-cultural adaptation

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