Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the role of youth groups in the socio-cultural differentiation of youth in the field of tourism and the importance of the social role of youth in tourism. The emergence of youth tourism industry, social and cultural differences in travel motivation of young people makes it important the analysis of youth tourism. Tourism is an indicator of the differences between social stratums of youth, therefore important to talk about the social and cultural differentiation of young people in tourism and analysis of the main approaches to the essence of differentiation in tourism. The authors consider the main theoretical component of the need to use the concept "socio-cultural differentiation" and its application in tourism concerning the youth. Needs of young people with similar socio-cultural characteristics and interests are the basis of the study of the socio-cultural aspects of the differentiation of youth in tourism. Within this framework, the concept of "group" is considered as collection of people based on common values, interests, standards, constant interaction, goals, interests, and limited with criteria of membership. Socio-cultural differentiation of youth is characterized by the cultural component of this process. As a result of the foregoing, it is necessary to study the basic aspects of group relations and the role of youth in the development of society. The main elements, typical for group relations of youth in tourism, are based on leisure interests. Development of a scientific approach to solving the problems of youth, as well as availability of social and public policy in tourism are the important elements of the issue of social and cultural differentiation. In such a case, youth is viewed through the prism of group relationships based primarily on common interests.

socio-cultural differentiation, youth groups, leisure interests, social dimension, group relations, socio-cultural portrait, sociological research method

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