Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development of a model of tourist destination competitiveness based on the principles of sustainable development. It is shown that insufficient attention to solving economic, social and environmental problems through mechanisms of global concept of sustainable development is one of the main factors constraining the growth of competitiveness. The authors prove the following. When creating tourist destinations of different scales, environment for the local community is formed, which should be comfortable and for tourists. In the opposite case, tourist destinations will experience a crisis in its development. The authorial model of ensuring the tourist destination competitiveness, developed on the basis of classical model of M. Porter and G. Dunning. The role of the local community as one of the factors of competitiveness is proved. The analysis of the sustainable development criteria according to UNWTO regarding the creation of conditions for the local community development is conducted, the basic conditions are identified. The authors have conducted an expert survey in destinations of Kaluga region and Tatarstan. On its base the graphical analysis of realization sustainable development criteria concerning creation of conditions for local community activation as the competitive strength of the tourist destination is represented. The main typical problems are identified. Based on it three types of competiveness strategies in the context of sustainable development are specified. The authors have conducted the analysis of indicators of social and tourism development of the Russian regions and have distinguished 10 regions most in need of the implementation of the proposed model. This article provides recommendations for increasing of competitive advantage and sustainable development of tourist destinations.

competitiveness, tourist destination, tourism, sustainable development, local community, the host community, sustainable development criteria

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