Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to solving the problems of tourism development on unrecognized and partially recognized territories through creation of a modern information infrastructure of tourism and recreational sector. The article shows the current geopolitical trends in the world related to the separation, merger and self-determination of different territories. In this regard, the political importance of tourism and its social responsibility worldwide is noted. It is shown that tourism can and should contribute to the strengthening of mutual understanding between different cultures and territories, thereby easing geopolitical conflicts. The author raises the issue of a possibility of tourism industry development on the territory of small states with limited recognition, which are on the stage of registration of their statehood and adaptation of their economy to new conditions. Possibilities of information infrastructure creation and, its development and promotion on territories with limited recognition are considered. Donbass has been taken as a multi example. The article substantiates necessity of creating a Single Multilingual Tourism Portal as a mechanism of promotion of tourism potential of a territory and development of domestic tourism. The author shows the prospects of informational support of a territory and tourism in the Internet resources such as Wikipedia and Google Earth. Recommendations and descriptions of specific steps for conducting a large-scale Republican campaign to promote the region as an attractive tourism area are provided. The author concludes that tourism is an incentive of civilization diversity in the context of modern geopolitics, able to improve mutual understanding between nations and accelerate international recognition of unrecognized or partially recognized territories.

tourism, geopolitics, information infrastructure, tourism portal, neogeography, states with limited recognition, tourist information center

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