The article provides an analysis of existing mechanisms for assessing the level of scientific and technological potential of science cities (naukograds). Existing criteria do not reflect the real level of potential because they have a generic character, and proposed system of comparisons (with respect to the world level) is not sufficiently clear. In addition, existing methods do not reflect the essence of potential of science cities. They allow to evaluate only the most effective aspect of the municipality activities or rely only on quantitative parameters, which do not take into account the peculiarities of the organization of management in science cities. In this regard, we have developed an estimation methodology, which allows to estimate the contribution of science cities in the regional innovation system, and on this basis to determine the science cities as its basic elements. It seems that the assessment of scientific and technological potential of science city should be performed by the expert evaluation method by the survey. For this purpose, scaling of development level is made; a model questionnaire to interview experts is developed. Based on the developed methodology, the level of scientific and technical potential of a science city by the example of Zhukovsky in Moscow region is assessed. The influence of various factors through quantitative assessment is analyzed. The survey findings show that the development level of Zhukovsky can be assessed as medium in the presence of the necessary resources for its development. The use of this methodology has allowed to make a qualitative assessment of the potential taking into account social, occupational, educational and other factors and the level of intra-urban co-operation and contribution of science city to the region development. The methodology also identifies areas that need for more attention to preserve and enhance their contribution to the already existing potential. The article presents recommendations for using the methodology as a tool to assess the potential of a regional innovation system. This methodology may also be used to assess the capacity of other municipalities that claim the status of Russian science city (naukograd).
regional innovation system, scientific and technological potential, Moscow region, science cities (naukograds), expert evaluation, questionnaire
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