The article analyzes the concept of "social problem" in both domestic and foreign researchers, presents the reasons of their occurrence and exacerbation, and gives the current classification of social problems. The author pays special attention to the combination of study at University with work as a modern social problem of students. This phenomenon in the demand at the labour market for "student of University” as certain, intermediate type of worker is analyzed, and the impact of student’s labour activity on the learning process is revealed. The article presents the results of authorial sociological research (questionnaires) of the students of Russian State University of Tourism and Service" carried out in 2015. The scope and specifics of the students´ involvement in work activities, the motivation of respondents, the main problems faced by students are identified. The author has also conducted correlation analysis of the obtained data with the results of previously conducted studies of different researchers.
social problems classification of social problems, students, university studies, work activities of students
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