Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the theoretical and methodological approaches to the forming modern concept of nature-use based on adaptive management of the natural environment. In this case natural environment is considered as a complex self-organizing system with a high degree of uncertainty reaction (response) to an external managing influence. Based on the interpretation of the Godel´s applied theorem, we can conclude that it is necessary to develop a multivariate optimal environmental management mechanism with the dominance of adaptive management mechanisms and minimizing the extreme and, a fortiori, robust control techniques. The territorial development concept, based on the primacy of environmental acceptability of projects, is dominant in the modern civilized world. It is based on the need to include the assimilative capacity of the natural environment in the processes of economic activity as a mandatory resource with relevant financial and economic parameters. The approach presented in the article allows to ensure optimization of economic activity on the basis of taking into account the rent component in the value of produced effect of socio-economic activities. Technocratic paradigm of economic activities objectively creates the conditions for increasing environment load. Under the climatic conditions of most of the regions, specified load is critical, creating a threat of loss by the natural environment of its assimilative capacity, which leads to environmentally dangerous and sometimes disastrous consequences: the depopulation of the biotic environment, mutagenic effects, and growth the risk of endemic pathologies. Methodology outlined in the article allows to use it as content in the simulation models development and physical modeling of economic processes related to the intensive nature-use. The article may be useful in the development of territory organization projects, regional planning and the target complex programs of regional development.

reproducing system, natural environment, goal-setting, self-organization, assimilative capacity

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