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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, the ability to attract new generations of consumers is an important factor in increasing competitiveness in virtually every business area. The article considers the problem of attracting new generations of consumers of hotel services. In the modern market of hotel services, three main demographic segments or generations dominate: "baby boomers", generation X, generation Y. The main attention is paid to the perception and attitude of generation Y to different types of organizations in the hotel industry. It stems from the powerful purchasing power of this generation and the fact that it becomes one of the main segments in the hotel services market. Different approaches to the definition of "generation Y" are shown. Currently, the Y generation is often understood as people born between 1980 and 1995, although a number of researchers determine the end birth-date for this generation in 2000. The article, based on the analysis of modern research, characterizes the main socio-psychological features of this generation: awareness, "technical savvy", active use of Internet resources, team-based activity, social responsibility, critical thinking. Y as consumers are well informed, have high requirements to the quality of goods and services, are skeptical about advertising and marketing, appreciate design, quality, atmosphere, speed of service. Representatives of generation Y as consumers of tourist and hotel services travel more and spend more on travel than other generations, explore new directions, seek new information and authentic experience, are inclined to adventure and extreme trips. The author through specific examples considers the main activities of hotel companies in attracting generation Y consumers, among which the main attention is paid to the creation of a new type of hotels oriented to the needs of this generation and the expansion of the range of hotel services. In the modern market of hotel services the "lifestyle" hotels and new types of boutique hotels the best meet the needs of generation Y consu

baby boomers, generation X, generation Y, hotel industry, lifestyle hotels, five-star hotels, boutique hotels, hotel chains
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