Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the structure and dynamics of tourist flows using the official website of Federal agency for tourism of the Russian Federation. For the last three years domestic tourism has experienced the structural shifts towards internal and entrance tourism. The tourist market extreme operation caused by the number of events and factors has significantly reduced imports in tourism The new reality has led to restructuring of domestic tourism. The authors research the inbound tourist flows, and define the leading countries by the number of arrivals in the Russian Federation. The article define key factors promoting growth international tourist attraction of Russia. The diversification of the international tourism product, transport availability and issues of visa maintenance, observance of the international standards and improvement of tourist service quality are among them. It is noted that creating competitive advantages of the tourist territory and its consumer value are not defined by just qualitative infrastructure. It become the part of economy of impressions. Obtaining adequate statistical information, including volumes of an inbound and outbound tourist flows, is still an important issue. It affects the effective managing the tourism industry and, finally, its competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

tourist flows, domestic tourism, inbound tourist flow, outbound tourist flow, export, import in tourism, statistical information
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