The territory of Saint Petersburg is divided into 18 districts. One of them, the Kurortny district, has been formed in the health resort area of St. Petersburg. In 1898 by decree of Emperor Nicholas II Sestroretskiy resort with Europe's largest swimming pool with mineral water was founded on the territory of modern Kurortny district. In 1907 Sestroretskiy resort was awarded the GRAN-PRIX at the world balneology exhibition in Spa (Belgium). Currently, the Kurortny district is constantly has more than 40 establishments of sanatorium-resort complex, where annually more than 300 thousand of citizens and guests of the Northern capital improve their health. The article considers spatial communications and relations among recreational facilities. The author determines the main factors of tourism development of recreational areas, particularly reveals the main natural healing factors of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg. The article considers the state and development prospects of the spatial relationships among recreational institutions through the example of sites of the Northern capital. The author offers technology of complex automation system of recreational facility management as a development factor of spatial relations and attracting tourists to the region and development of recreational facilities.
spatial relations, recreational enterprises, development factors, automation technology
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