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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities and peculiarities of the city environment from the point of view of providing the necessary conditions for the active city lifestyle and active tourism. Cities are interested in the develop- ment of tourism, as an industry that actively attracts investments in the economy, creating a huge variety of workplaces and selfemployment, contributing to the growth of the tax base, preserving local uniqueness and historical and cultural heritage that stimulates creative industries. Obviously, it is impossible, and it is not necessary to create two different cities – “for tourists” and “for citizens”. It means that infrastructure, including transport, street network, cafes and restaurants, entertainment and shopping centers, parks and embankments are actively used by both citizens and tourists. Moreover tourists are attracted by the same objects and events that are in demand among local residents. Accordingly, the creation of a comfortable, safe, friendly city environment is a prerequisite for development, both in terms of improving the quality of life of citizens and attracting tourists. Cities are interested in diversifying the offer for tourist and should contribute to the formation of material and unmaterial factors for the active tourism development. Material factors include the corresponding infrastructure, high-quality ecological situation and a number of others. Unmaterial factors are formed on the basis of city culture, one of the values of which is the active way of life. Priority should be given to the development of the infrastructure of safe school routes, stimulating active modes of movement in the daily regime, creating accessible and safe areas for various sports and outdoor activities.

city, urban areas, active tourism, city tourism, agglomeration tourism, safe school route
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