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Abstract (English):
The article on the base of studying the state of foreign and domestic bicycle tourism reviews its organization in the Re- public of Bashkortostan. Fashion for a healthy lifestyle and ecological types of tourism is increasing every year. Bicycle tourism is among such types of activity. Abroad, it become the symbol of civilized society. Currently, its popularity grows in Russia and in its regions. For the first time the article comprehensively addresses the history, current state and prospects of further development of bicycle tourism in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors mark main milestones, significant events and moments in the development of bicycle tourism in the republic. The article describes the main organizations have ever partici- pated in the development of bicycle tourism in the republic. The article considers the experience of joint tours of domestic and foreign tourists. It is noted that state management of bicycle tourism made it possible to increase the number of mass events, for example, the “Day of 1000 cyclists” that is annually in may in many cities of Russia. This year has been proposed a new format I Bike Ufa. It is a unique and grand concept of “Open streets”. Today the market of services in this segment is quite diverse. The interest of local business in bicycle tourism is growing. The authors substantiate the necessity for searching new organizational forms of bicycle tourism. Tourist trips and bike tours are currently experiencing a new wave of popularity. The article allocates the most important objects of tourist interest, briefly describes the tourism infrastructure of Ufa, and identifies the perspectives and ways of its use in bicycle tourism. The authors present the result of the developing the series of thematic tours on bicycles.

cycle race, cycling trip, velorally, mountain biking, “day of 1000 cyclists”, trial, bicycle tourism, active tourism
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