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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the development of active recreation and active tourism in Omsk region. The relevance of this direction is due to the growing interest in the types of recreation able to promote the rapid and effective recovery of a person. The article considers the meaning of the notions “active vacation” and “active tourism”, and points out the prevalence of substituting them. It occurs because this types of recreation are similar to other active types of human activity. The article considers the most popular directions and programs at the city and regional levels. The author notes that elements of active recreation and tourism, one way or another, are offered by many entities of the tourism sphere in the region. The regional infrastructure of active recreation and tourism includes several dozens of organizations, various communities, hobby clubs providing these services or uniting likminded people. The article defines the number of development trends in active recreation and tourism. Among them are the following: the expansion of a number of organizations of their activities from narrowly professional areas to the provision of services to a wide range of people; implementation at the regional level of programs aimed at the introduction of active forms of familiarization with the historical and cultural heritage of the native city; increasing the role in the development of active recreation and tourism of various communities, hobby clubs (automobile, bicycle, tourist), often acting as organizers and co-organizers of various social events; the outgrowth of communities and clubs of active recreation and tourism in the campaign engaged in the development and implementation of active tours.

active recreation, recreation, tourism, active tourism, extreme tourism, sports tourism, Omsk region
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