Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of this article research is the possibility of using video materials published on the Internet when teaching Russian. The authors pay attention to the fact that in the methodological literature there is a lot of experience with video when learning a foreign language, however, the use of these teaching materials in Russian language lessons is not systematic. The main objective of the teacher in working with video technologies is formulated in the article and it is a control of video perception. It is noted the great role of audiovisual training tools, not only for the formation of auditory competence, but also for the formation of cognitive and communicative ones. The authors of the article give practical recommendations on the integration of video lectures in the educational process at different stages of studying the educational material, including from the age features of schoolchildren on the example of two thematic projects "Videoblog on the subjects of the natural science cycle. Russian Language "and" Language is the Soul of the People ". In particular, authors note that it is advisable to offer video content for work to students who have developed basic skills of independent work. In the opinion of the authors, the use of video lessons at the stage of repetition and generalization of the studied material is especially effective. The article also demonstrates the possibility of using video lectures not only for working with school students in Russian language lessons, elective courses for choice and for holding class hours, but also for students of colleges and universities. The authors offer reproductive, analytical, searching and creative tasks for working with video content, which allow you to diversify the forms of work with students.

video material, Russian language, culture of speech, Unified State Examination, Basic State Examination, complex sentence, compound sentence
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