Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Ehe article is devoted to the ecological tourism development in especially protected natural territories of Krasnodarskiy region. It was noted that this type of tourism belongs to the synthetic category integrating many different types of tourism, based primarily on the preservation of the environment. The ecotourism sites include a variety of natural and cultural components of the state property, which require special treatment and management. The authors review environmental types of tourism, which include such areas as ecological tourism, scientific expeditions and tours, ecological tours on specially protected natural areas, active and educational trips, excursions on ecological trails with different goals, summer camps and recreation, tourism associated with business meetings. Regional protected areas in Krasnodar region have great development prospects for ecotourism activities because of its location in the natural environment that have significant natural attractiveness. The authors discuss the categories of especially protected natural territories of federal, regional and local significance. The article studies the provisions of the practice of ecological tourism at the international level, its principles and main tasks. The authors analyze the ecotourism activities in national natural and regional landscape parks, biosphere reserves of Krasnodar region, and reveale the prospects for tourism development in these areas. The article studies the natural recreational resources of the regional system of specially protected natural territories in the region, as well as analyzes the factors restraining the active development of ecological tourism.
ecotourism, territorial systems of nature use, especially protected natural territories, ecological routes, ecotourism activities, Krasnodar Krai.
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