Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russian Federation
The problem of preserving the environment is still relevant for the world scientific community. In the Russian Federation, the system of specially protected natural areas is a traditional and effective form of environmental protection. The development and improvement of the specially protected natural areas network guarantees that the Russian Federation fulfills its international obligations in the field of environmental protection. An effectively functioning system of specially protected natural areas serves as a framework for ecological stability and ensures sustainable socio-economic development of the country. There is much tension around the issue of coordination of further socio-economic development and environmental protection in many regions (especially in territories with ecological restrictions because of the exceptional value of their natural resources). In the market economy environment regions have to provide effective spatial development of the territory, including specially protected natural areas. At the same time, there is a problem of increasing anthropogenic impact on protected ecosystems caused by the tourism development. This task requires special attention due to insufficient coverage. In this regard, the study of Soviet experience in tourism management in restricted conditions of natural resource use comes into sharp focus. The article considers specific features of tourism management by the party-state and trade union in the restricted conditions of natural resource use in the Baikal region in the 1960s–1980s. The author gives a brief historiographic review of the problem under study. The article deals with the process of implementing the policy of rational use of recreational resources in the Baikal region. Handling the problem of improving of tourist-recreational nature management and ecological compatibility is specified for different levels.
environmental protection policy, national natural park, Territorial Complex Scheme of Nature Protection, tourism facilities, restricted conditions of natural resource use.
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