Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volzhskiy, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
The subject of consideration in this article is a humanitarian examination. The authors’ research object was technological projects, processes, technology and technical in general. The article raises the problem of theoretical and methodological foundations of humanitarian expertise of technological projects and processes. The urgency of considering this problem is manifested in connection with the development of scientific and technological progress and the penetration of technology into all spheres of human life. Authors of the article suggest the author's conceptual paradigm of humanitarian evaluation, which is formed on the basis of the selection of "the first flowers" of moral consciousness - objective regulators of consciousness - the archetypal bases of morality. At the same time, the moral is viewed as an objective relationship between the ontological relationship in nature between the individual and social consciousness. The model of humanitarian expertise is based on the humanitarian paradigm, which affirms respect for man as the main criterion and content of moral assessment. Unconditional benefit as an ideal pattern of behavior and activity is to provide a person with the most comfortable conditions for his self-realization, the disclosure and functioning of all his essential forces. The authors clearly outline the scope and prospects of humanitarian expertise, and argue that its further development is associated with real steps towards the institutionalization of an integral and autonomous humanitarian expertise. This process involves the following steps: the analysis of practices related to humanitarian expertise and the development of its technology, the development of draft legislative acts related to the institutionalization of expertise, the testing of technologies for humanitarian expertise
humanitarian expertise, evaluation methodology, technological projects, moral regulations.
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