Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article does attempt to view special aspects of teaching students business communication for their future work in foreign language environment. The subject of research is the university education of students of Bachelor’s programme of Foreign Studies (specialization: Asia). The issue being analyzed is the development of business communication competence of students for their future work in foreign language environment. We anticipate that teaching students business communication will be effective if: a)business communication competence is developed in the education process; b) the fundamentals of business communication development are synergy-and-system-based theory of education, individual-oriented teaching approach, socio-linguistic and communicative approaches in foreign language teaching; c)business communication competence is considered as readiness for business communication that comprises professional, psychological, cultural and linguistic elements; d) a pedagogical model of developing communication competence is established and implemented in the education process. Methodological basis of research includes provisions of the synergetic paradigm, the conceptual system of personality-oriented teaching system and activity approaches. The pedagogical model that includes prioritizing elements of the syllabus in accordance with main research objective is being implemented in the education process. The results of the research can be applied in foreign language teaching of students of other Bachelor’s programmes and can also be a subject of other research into university education quality issues.

competence, foreign language environment, business communication, pedagogical model, communication, foreign language, education
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