Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the military-historical reconstruction as a form of tourist study of local lore and a means of Patriotic upbringing of students. This social phenomenon has a significant potential from the point of view of spiritual and moral development of a student’s personality, because it brings together the most significant components of these processes: cognitive, moral, spiritual, emotional and activity components, corresponding to selected stages, which are selected by authors, of formation of Patriotic consciousness of the student youth as spiritually-moral qualities of students’ personality. Historical reconstruction, which is researched in the context of a tourist study of local lore, expands the boundaries of tourism as object of activity and science. The object of the research in tourist study of local lore is the native land, with its geographical, economic, historical and cultural characteristics through the lens of the tourist identity. In the process of participation in the historical reconstruction as a form of regional activities students produce and accumulate knowledge of the history and culture of their native land; this activity contributes to the formation of such basic values as love for the native land, interest in its history and culture, which ultimately contributes to young people's ethnic and cultural identity, Patriotic consciousness and desire to know their native land. Military-historical reconstruction is the form of tourist study of local lore, which reflects the characteristics of local history as an integral system functioning in the world of three-dimensional models generated by space components, time and society

military-historical reconstruction, Patriotic upbringing, spiritual and moral development of a personality, tourist study of local lore, ethnic and cultural identity
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