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Abstract (English):
The article describes the possibility of using the social and cultural activities in institutes of higher education and there is identified its impact on patriotic upbringing of modern youth; is considered the value and actuality of patriotic education of young people is examined ; there are determined pedagogical conditions, optimizing the process of patriotic education; it is tested the systematic work, directed to the formation of patriotic feelings of modern youth. Modern social and cultural paradigm of Russia requires increasing the level of patriotic upbringing of youth. To educate deserved young generations and responsible citizens of the country, who will be able to prove themselves as in rotecting their motherland, as in the peace labour, to educate moral, educated, cultural, tolerant people who know and respect their culture, you need to form spiritual and moral qualities of a personality, to educate ethical standards, to develop patriotic attitude and involvement. In this regard, the attention to theoretical and empirical problems of patriotic upbringing is increasing today. So it is especially important to form the attitude to our Motherland basing not so much on its military power, but on emphasising the works by outstanding domestic architects, poets, artists, musicians, glorifying the identity of the Russian culture, the beauty of Russian cities, the power and the depth of the culture, impersonated in folklore and spiritual heritage of Great Patriotic War. With the aim of identifying the formation level of patriotic feelings of modern youth there was made a study among students Volgograd state institute of arts and culture and arts. The work on the formation of patriotism with historically and commemorativly oriented means of social and cultural activity means was organized. The results of the study and the total of the work are presented in the article.

social and cultural activity, history, memorial, upbringing, patriotism, means of the formation, the use of resources
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