Rubrics: TOURISM
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Abstract (English):
The development of tourism is significantly influenced by two main criteria: the availability of means and free time. It is the financial factor that is an obstacle to the development of mass tourism and consumer demand for goods and services. This article is devoted to determining the categories of the population and the distribution of the population of the Russian Federation by their ability to realize their opportunities for travel, and also to find ways of solving this problem. In the ratings of world agencies, the level of life quality of Russians is estimated by various values; the 67th position in the worldwide rating can be considered the most optimal. Using the method of statistical modeling, the author identified trends of the prevailing overall outflows of Russians and the prevailing outflows of Russians for tourism and recreation from 2014 in comparison with the entry of foreign visitors. The hypothesis of the wealth of Russians was not so optimistic either with the author’s life experience or with the average per capita monetary incomes of the population of Russia. Analysis of the population in the Vladimir and neighboring areas – Ivanovo and Ryazan – shows that their population has been steadily and steadily declining over the past 25 years. This provision determined the need to study the differentiation of income of the population with the subsequent imposition of the trend of per capita monetary income of the population on the departure of Russians abroad. At the same time, correlation dependence was revealed in the growth trends of the money incomes of the population and the departure of Russian citizens abroad. The division of the population into zones of financial possibilities makes it possible to identify the categories of the population and their opportunities for carrying out various types of tourist activities, as well as opportunities in shaping demand in the market for goods and services. The principle of financial zoning of the population according to their capabilities can be used for planning tourist flows, the consumer market for the supply of goods and services for various purposes.

tourism, wage, monetary income, population, financial capacity, social inequality
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