Any kind of surgery involves risk. Caesarian section is a surgical operation conducted on the abdominal and pelvic zones. Occasionally, a Caesarian section is performed on maternal request, which brings on complications and makes readmission necessary. More frequently, a Caesarian section is recommended when natural delivery might pose a risk to the mother or baby. In these cases, surgery is deemed as the only safe approach to take. However, the choice is not always clear or mandatory, and both the mother and the doctor must consider the advantages and disadvantages of a Caesarian section. In a number of countries, the Caesarian section rate is 33,3% of all births, despite the dissent and warnings voiced by professional obstetrics societies and most top gynecologists.
labour induction, Caesarean section / operation, medical care, public health service in industrialized countries
Уровень развития системы здравоохранения четко отражает социальную защищенность населения, а степень внедрения современных технологий в здравоохранение – уровень технологического развития каждой страны. Поэтому выделение здравоохранения в приоритетную отрасль развития России показывает декларируемую степень заинтересованности страны в достижении современного уровня развития .
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