from 03.06.2013 to 01.03.2017
The article analyses the Olympic project inf uence on Sochi health resort modern tourist infrastructure formation and development. It is focused on the analysis of the processes, which took place in collective means of accommodation system on the dif erent stages of Olympic project implementation. In particular, the article contains the analysis of the data on collective means of accommodation number and structure changes, as long as hotel room capacity of the city at the time of Candidature File set up didn’t met the IOC requirements and conf ned Sochi’s development possibilities in its function as a mountain and ski resort. Examination of changes in local tourist infrastructure was carried out in order to estimate to what degree the goals proclaimed in Candidature File were implemented, including the task to assure conditions to convert Sochi resort to all-year-round world class resort and its further sustainable development. An improvement of accommodation system is considered as one of the most important conditions of tourist f ows’ growth and ef ective usage of material and nonmaterial Olympic Games 2014 Legacy. An important aspect of this research is the current situation analysis and identif cation of problems, which prevent ef ective usage of Sochi tourist infrastructure established in post-Olympic period. After examination of tourist industry internal and external factors that determine the tourist f ows capacity and dynamics we conclude that transport accessibility is the most important condition of tourist f ows stable growth. Materials presented in the article are the intermediate research results of the project “The analysis of sociopolitical, economic and ecological consequences of Olympic project implementation” which is being carried out within the frameworks of RAS Presidium fundamental research program №32.
legacy, tourist infrastructure, collective means of accommodation, hotel classif cation, the changes of the hotel types, the dynamics of tourist f ows.
Туристская инфраструктура Сочи в предолимпийский период: состояние и проблемы. Материальное и нематериальное наследие Олимпиады 2014 – целесообразно оценить с точки зрения выполнения им функции инструмента реализации в кратчайшие сроки стратегических планов по превращению города-курорта Сочи в горноклиматический курорт международного уровня. Важной составляющей этих планов являлось создание современной туристской инфраструктуры, включающей разветвленную сеть коллективных средств размещения различного уровня комфортности, объектов аттрактивности, конгрессных, выставочных и деловых центров.
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