Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author gives an analysis of the evolution of scientific concepts of customization in relation to the tourism industry, proving the establishment of a new system paradigm of customization which manifests in the creation of conditions for the involvement of consumers in the process of designing, creating and implementing product. The paper shows that, in the individualization of the needs of the tourist product customization affects not only related or additional elements, but also the core of the product. In these circumstances, there is the desirability of individual instruments that would adapt the activities of modern tourist companies to the conditions and implementation of system customization. As one of such tools the author proposes a model of customized tourism product built on the basis of the model of T. Levitt. The basis of the generated model of the customized tourism product is the basic principle of customization - providing the customer an opportunity to participate in the formation of the desired product at any level of the product through the use of a variety of opportunities for service. Changed is the approach to the definition of the product - in the model it is considered as a set of functions and features, the best way satisfying individualized needs of each customer. Service is defined as the main tool of customization, ensuring the involvement of consumers in design, production, marketing, and others processes associated with the product.

customization, model, product, marketing, tourism

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