The example of the life and scientific deed of the Russian scientist and traveler Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay gives us an opportunity to foster in society, especially in the younger generation spiritual qualities derived from the perception of the ideals of Kindness, Humanity, Honor, Oneness. The outstanding scientist chose them as a guide, steadily embodying in reality a grand goal, worthy of all human life. Maclay saw a unique way to achieve it, and during his short life he has reached his goal — scientifically proved to the world that all men are created equal, that there is no superior and inferior races. Thus, Maclay has made the very justification of slavery impossible, denouncing it as a shameful phenomenon degrading human dignity. And, as evidenced by the historical facts, he has successfully coped with the task in front of him. Publication in press of scientific researches and wrathful articles in defense of the black population gave rise to the liberation struggle against colonialism, and eventually enslaved nations gained independence. That is, Maclay efforts were not in vain. This is another proof that in this world nothing goes without leaving a trace. Every thought, every human action has consequences. So one has responsibility to monitor the purity of his thoughts and actions. Educational potential of the personality of the scientist, which deserves certainly our utmost attention, is revealed in the context of the book by Mary Boychuk "Knight of Humanism: Nikolai Maclay." In addition, the "Maclay Coast" museum guide prepared a teaching aid "Educational potential of the personality of N.N Miklouho-Maclay." Each lecture-tour is accompanied by quoting statements of authoritative researcher and demonstration of fragments of the film, created according to his diaries in 1947. In such a way the museum provides systematic work on upbringing of strong-willed personality able to endure the trials of life; education of the individual, which recognizes that man is primarily a Spiritual essence, that he is responsible for his life and is able to influence the formation of true values in society and as a consequence to change the quality of life of the society in which the man resides; upbringing the sense of patriotism and awareness of higher destination of human.
Maclay, Spirituality, personality, society, education, "Maclay Coast" museum
Крым славится своими достопримечательностями и не прекращает удивлять туристов новинками. Предлагаем вашему вниманию знакомство с маленьким, уютным и уникальным по своей информационной насыщенности музеем Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая «Берег Маклая», располагающимся на набережной в поселке Кача (г. Севастополь). Открытие музея состоялось 17 июля 2013 г. по случаю 167-летия со дня рождения всемирно известного ученого и путешественника Николая Николаевича Миклухо-Маклая (1846-88 гг.). Несмотря на свой юный возраст, музей «Берег Маклая» в Крыму уже мощно заявил о своем существовании, приняв участие в Между-
1. Boychuk M. Litsar gumanіzmu. Chernіgіv: Chernіgіvs´kі oberegi, 2011.100 s.
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4. N.N.Miklukho-Maklay. Puteshestvie na Bereg Maklaya. M.: Eksmo, 2011. 512 s.
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6. Chelovek s Luny: Dnevniki, pis´ma, stat´i Miklukho-Maklaya/Sost. B.N. Putilova. M.: Mol. gvardiya, 1982. - 335 s.
7. Lawrence P. Miklouho-Maclay// Royal Antropological Institute News. 1982. Oct. №52.
8. Sri Chinmoy. The Wings of Joy. NY: Fireside, Simon&Schuster, 1997. 208 s
9. Sayt muzeya «Bereg Maklaya». (data obrashcheniya: 22.01.2015).