Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
In this article is devoted to the problem of forming the necessary range of services for major sporting events on the World Winter Universiade, which will be held in Krasnoyarsk in 2019. Success or failure of this event, and hence the effectiveness of services in general are largely determined by the degree of satisfaction of the target groups participating in the event. In the article the authors clarify the essence of the concepts of "service". The main types of client groups and major sporting events are given their generalized characteristic. The analysis of documents on the preparation for the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk revealed the scientific and methodological problems in the existing approach to the definition of the target groups of the Universiade, and the authors propose a classification of the target groups based on functional-role approach. Evidence-based classification is necessary for the formation of complexes of the relevant services based on an analysis of customer expectations of a sports event, a proposal which will ensure the success of the sporting event.
the concept of "service", the classification of the target group as consumers of services of major sporting events, service support for major sporting events.
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