Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Problems of the development of automobile tourism in Russia and foreign countries are the subject of numerous publications. A search in the RISC for «car tourism" provides 3318 publications of various nature where one way or another the phrase used automobile tourism. However, narrowing the search parameters significantly reduces search result number. As a result, at the request of "tourist automotive cluster" was not found any publication. Does this mean that the formation, development, formalization, and other issues related to the automotive cluster are not given enough attention? We must say - no! It should be noted that many writers talk about using the cluster approach to the development of automobile tourism, and tourism in general. Many works are devoted to automobile tourism infrastructure and the requirements for it. A number of works associated with the development of caravanning as a substantial part of the automobile tourism, since this direction is perceived by many authors as trailering and is its main focus. In our view, the identification of caravanning with automobile tourism significantly narrows its scope, which, in turn, allows to create capable and efficient automotive cluster. In this paper, the author has made an attempt to define the essence of the concept of "tourist automotive cluster" describing the main approaches to its formation, separation factors influencing the choice of the type of geographic frame of tourist automobile cluster, which can be formed within a certain destination.

tourist automotive cluster, car tourism, conceptual model, consumers of automobile tourism, factors of automobile tourism infrastructure.

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