Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modernization in Russia is objectively dictated by the tightening of global competition between countries and the need for structural optimization of the domestic economy. In today´s environment the results of the modernization of the Russian economy influence directly on the welfare of the country in the future, elimination of the technological gap, improving efficiency in all sectors of the economy and professional fields. The process of modernization is aimed at solving a minimum of three tasks: to ensure structural balance of the national economy; technological innovation; the formation of an innovative model of economic development. Formation of such a model of the economy implies an increase in the economy of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries. With two possible and mutually exclusive approaches to the state economy modernization and technological development, autocratic and democratic, the latter is the most effective, since upgrading cannot be achieved without direct participation of business, civil society and individual citizens with a high level of competence of the government. Federal authorities at the same time play the role of a facilitator, providing legal, organizational and financial support, and as well as a system of processes. Economic modernization and technological development will require training of skilled human capital, which may be provided by the proper functioning of the system of education in Russia. Development of education should be coordinated with social and economic development, and activities of educational institutions should be integrated into innovation processes at the national and regional levels. High importance in solving these problems is given to the development of mechanisms of interaction of educational institutions with the business environment, general public and to changing the format of relations with the state education authorities.

modernization of the economy, professional education, self-regulation

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