Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes and analyzes the methodology of rating institutions of higher education according to the Times Higher Education. The most significant indicators are the total citation of scientific publications, scientific reputation of the university in certain areas and academic reputation of each higher educational institution, including research activities and the quality of education. Analyzed are programs of educational crediting of leading Russian banks. The main problems of education in Russia: insufficient equipment of educational institutions, the need for restructuring and the creation of an independent quality control, alignment of business conditions for state and non-state institutions. The possible solutions to these problems are suggested. They are attributed the development of specific criteria for equipment institutions, differentiated by the type of educational organizations and their activities. As part of financing of equipment organizations is making the cost of equipping of educational institutions according to normative per capita funding. Considered are positive and negative effects of restructuring of educational institutions. In particular, globalization different levels of education institutions. Identified are obligatory components of independent quality control systems of education. The criteria by which subsequently will be monitored the quality of education should be developed centrally, go through public debate and be adopted by an open vote among teachers, that is, direct executors. Analyzed and summarized the results of public opinions about the quality of education in Russia. Revealed is dissatisfaction with the education system in Russia by a large percentage of the respondents. The options of the implementation of network forms of education with the creation of specialized classes in the third stage of secondary school are stressed: in-depth study of certain basic general subjects, or an introduction to the core curriculum subjects of specific areas of training for bachelors.

quality of education, educational institution, restructuring of educational institutions, equipping educational institutions, ranking of universities, educational services, quality control system in education.



Проблема предоставления качественной образовательной услуги стоит в РФ на одном из первых мест, поскольку наличие грамотных, квалифицированных специалистов есть базис развития экономики, социальной сферы любого развитого государства. Создание эффективной модели национального образования невозможно без перехода в этой сфере от стоимостного к ценностному механизму хозяйствования как системе ценностных регулятивных механизмов хозяйствования, в состав которой входят политический, научный, правовой, идеологический, информационный, этический, экологический, национальный механизмы [3]. Рассмотрев модель образовательной услуги «на выходе», то есть ее завершающую стадию — в рамках услуги предоставления высшего образования, можно сделать определенные выводы о том, какие критерии сегодня мировое со-


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