The article is devoted to the introduction of innovative technologies in the learning process. The authors emphasize the fact that innovative teaching activities are an important component of the educational process. The authors note that this is the foundation on which to build a competitive institution in the education market. Innovative activities are related to both scientific and methodical work of teachers and to teaching and research and scientific practice of students. The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the personality of a student. This differs from the traditional education system and involves the use of interactive teaching methods. High-performance, implementing non-traditional forms of training, development and education of students are the following approaches: brainstorming workshops, project development, role-playing game, excursions. The paper examines in detail one of the methods of interactive learning foreign languages - excursion. The authors conclude that the use of this method is dictated by the specifics of training of future professionals who will work in the tourism and hospitality industry and it helps to transform foreign language from passive to active skill. Based on the analysis of joint activities it is established that there is an interaction of students with each other and the teacher, who becomes an equal partner and consultant. The task of the authors of this article is to determine the value of the excursion as one of the interactive methods of teaching foreign languages in high school, to familiarize the reader with the experience of the application of this method in the teaching of foreign languages at Russian State University of Tourism and Service.
communicative competence, innovation, competence approach, project methodology
Сфера образования на современном этапе проходит период больших изменений. Данные изменения носят инновационный характер, то есть подразумевают процесс модернизации существующих педагогических технологий, методов, приемов, способов и средств обучения. Инновационная педагогическая деятельность сейчас является одним из самых значимых составляющих образовательного процесса любого уровня учебного заведения, это тот фундамент, на котором строится конкурентоспособность учреждения на рынке образовательных услуг. Инновационная деятельность неразделимо связана как с научно-методической работой педагогов, так и с учебно-исследовательской и научной практикой обучающихся. Под инновациями подразумевается владение знаниями последних научных исследований в области образования,
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