Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the psychological factors and characteristics of victim behavior of women in situations of domestic violence. It is noted that the problem of violence has extended its scale throughout the world, and yet continues to be among "closed" topics. For clarity, the article presents statistics official data the Russian Interior Ministry in 2010, relating to family conflicts, as well as the results of opinion polls and research of scientists professionals. Considered are prerequisites for the formation of victim behavior of women, as well as the motives and manifestations of psychological defense mechanisms in women in a dysfunctional family. It is noted that due to relations and traumatic childhood experiences and behaviors of parents in the victimization of women developed are personality traits of codependency, they are predisposed to sacrifice their "I" to experience the adoption of the family system. To isolate and characterize the psychological characteristics of victim behavior of women in situations of domestic violence, including cognitive disorders,, the state trained helplessness, low self-esteem and self-perception of strain, affective disorder functions, inconsistency and conflict, trespassed "Ego". Women victims have clinical consequences of domestic violence, and these symptoms consistent with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The article deals with the content of some common myths and facts about committing domestic violence. Based on the conducted analysis it is concluded that the particular psychology of "victimization" of women include a huge range of personal and state properties, a set of internal and external factors that are responsible for the personal predisposition of women to turn them into victims of domestic violence.

domestic violence, psychological characteristics, victim behavior, female victim, psychological defense mechanisms.

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