Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main effect in solving the problem of municipal solid waste (MSW) gives extraction or preventing the ingress in them secondary material resources (SMR). Ones of the main valuable components falling in the MSW are polymeric wastes. Their content in the MSW is about 10%, and 40% are accounted for the polymeric films. Entering of polymeric materials in the environment leads to its significant pollution because in vivo the plastic waste is not decomposed and not degraded over many decades. The authors considered some ways to recycle plastic waste and noted that for the extraction of polymeric materials from MSW are most appropriate methods of separation, that isn´t connected with changes in the aggregate state of the plastics in the process of separation. It was shown experimentally that the best results of polymeric films extraction from the flow of solid waste provides a combination of two enrichment processes - aeroseparation and electrical separation. As the parameters optimization of the separation process of the polymeric films used technological criteria (a combination of the basic parameters of enrichment), and as a method to study the process - mathematical modeling. The authors noted the methods of intensification of the enrichment processes and control the physical properties of the components of separated composition of materials, and it is reported that in the various methods electrical separation had been used strong electric fields and thus a high voltage. The dependences of the specific electrical resistance of the samples of waste paper and polymeric film from moisture and curves of ability for enrichment of these components with aeroseparation in different conditions and indicators of their enrichment are shown in the article.

waste, polymeric waste, electrical separation

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