The paper presents a new methodology for assessing cultural potential of the territory, based on the inventory of cultural tourism resources, including projects and activities at various levels, and the mathematical apparatus, which ensures the objectivity of counting, ceteris paribus. An attempt is made to approach to the economic understanding of the cultural potential of the territory: the farther from the center of the region the municipality is located, the more money will be needed for the development and the large costs borne both the businessman and tourist for the “development” of the territory. The distance of the municipality from the centre of the region erected in a constant and used as the most significant factor in the formula. According to the results of using the technique presents the ranking of territories of the Perm edge on a high, relatively high, high, medium, low and lowest. On this basis, each municipality will be able to engage in rational optimization of their position in the ranking of and the regional authorities will have the possibility of objective funding primarily those areas that are the leaders of the rating and the poles of the growth of cultural tourism in the province. The method confirmed the following hypothetical initial submission. For such a complex from the point of view of tourism climatic areas as Perm region, cultural tourism is not seasonal, it almost year-round, and therefore more promising, even compared to active, which is trying to make a bid for regional power. Moreover, the potential of cultural tourism may be higher than the overall tourism potential of the region, in the case where the display object (resource) active tourism is complemented by animation or theatre, or used in a major cultural event, such as festival. Thus, the method permits to assess the cultural potential of the territory, both within the region and the individual municipalities to identify leaders and priority of their financing and entrepreneurial activity.
potential of cultural tourism, assessing method of cultural capacity, formula, coefficient of distance, tcoefficient of festivals and tourist events, rating of the Perm region on the potential of cultural tourism
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