Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Rural tourism - one of the most famous and popular forms of recreation. Many experts note its ability to compete with the leaders of the global tourism - beach and cultural tourism. Stavropol region of the Russian Federation has a high level of agricultural development and rich touristic and recreational potential. The aspiration of small and large private companies to diversify their activities by expanding non-agricultural segment caused the formation and development of rural tourism. A variety of tourism resources and cultural heritage of the Stavropol region allowed entrepreneurs to create a variety of tourism products in the segment of rural recreation. In the current context the formation of rural tourism industry in the Stavropol region is the rightful issue The article presents analysis results of the tourist attractions and means of accommodation as part of composition of the rural tourism industry in the Stavropol region. Placement of facilities of rural tourism industry in municipalities of the region is shown. The trend of territorial localization of rural tourism in the Stavropol region within four main areas is proved. The author curries out the analysis of the specific structure of the objects of rural tourism, their tourism specialization and composition of services. The results allowed concluding that the most popular is the strategy of diversification of activities and offers of rural tourism.

rural tourism, tourism industry, service, Stavropol region

Ставропольский край – один из известных сельскохозяйственных регионов России.

Территория края находится в центральной части Предкавказья и отличается высоким

пейзажным разнообразием: полупустыни, пустыни, лесостепи, предгорья, степи,

разнообразные водные ресурсы.


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