Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, the final product (goods or services) becomes more intangible due to the presence service component in its structure, comprising a set of additional accessories and services. In fact, the presence of the service components in the product is not an innovation in pure form. Issues related to the quality of customer service have been in focus in the 70-80-ies XX century, in the so-called Soviet period. The need to improve the level of service to ensure product competitiveness and achieving enterprise competitive advantages is the peculiarity of consumer market development nowadays. The article discussed the necessity and possibility of turning traditional consumer services in a service product that has certain competitiveness, i.e. the ability to generate demand through the service components. Moreover, the author examines two groups of indicators of quality of service - objective and subjective. The empirical part of the research is dedicated to testing the theoretical conclusions about the impact of service quality on the consumption of domestic services. The empirical part of the research is dedicated to testing the theoretical conclusions about the impact of service quality on the consumption of domestic services. For this purpose, the author carried out the special marketing research of consumers of domestic services. The methodology of the research has been offered by scientists of Russian State University of Tourism and Service. The survey, which covered 400 people, became the main instrument for collecting information. It was carried out in Mytishchi, Pushkino and Korolev. These cities are among the most developed in the socio-economic and consumer context in North-Eastern suburbs of Moscow region. Marketing research, given in article, allowed forming the structure of consumption of consumer services, revealing the effect of indicators (factors) of quality of services consumption, and making forecast of increasing consumption upon condition of elimination of the negative influence of specific factors.

service, quality of service, consumption, domestic services

В условиях ужесточения конкуренции в более выигрышном положении оказываются предприятия, рассматривающие в качестве своей миссии максимально полное удовлетворение потребностей клиента, в т.ч. индивидуальных, путем предоставления ему сервисного продукта. В рамках данной статьи под сервисным продуктом мы будем понимать комплексный продукт, включающий основной продукт в материальном или нематериальном исполнении, а также комплекс дополнительных и сопутствующих услуг, т.е. сервисную составляющую [2]. Именно эта составляющая и делает продукт более конкурентоспособным в современных условиях.


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