Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The educational program «Management in Tourism and Hospitality» implemented at the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Russian State University of Tourism and Service» is constructed in such a way that the primary emphasis is placed upon the management processes in the organizations. That said, a number of the competences containing the requirements as to the training for professional activities in the bodies of state and municipal administration (in particular, in tourist administrations) may be insufficiently mastered by the graduates. For example, the competences related to the organization and regulation of service activities. As far as is known, in the current context the service component in a tourist product is the important factor affecting its competitiveness. The introduction of discipline «Service Quality and Design» into the curriculum will allow to change to some extent the current situation. This discipline will help students to acquire expertise, knowledge and skills regarding the existing concepts of service activities; the methods of service activities organization in tourism and hospitality; the service management and its role in the improving competitiveness of a tourist product, tourism organization and tourist destination as a whole.

the main educational program, management in tourism and hospitality, design and quality of services

Официальный переход России на двухуровневую систему высшего образования состоялся в 2009 г., о чем свидетельствуют изменения, внесенные в Федеральный закон «О высшем и послевузовском профессиональном образовании». Массовый переход российских вузов на систему двухуровневого образования произошел в 2011 г. С 2011 года в ФГБОУ ВПО «Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса» в качестве одной из образовательных программ для бакалавриата реализуется ООП «Менеджмент», а с 2013 года – «Менеджмент в туризме и гостеприимстве».


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