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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions of development of tourism and hospitality industry and trends of import-substitution there is a need of training of heads of hotel complexes. Set conditions must be taken into account in the preparation of bachelors and masters on the course “Hospitality”. In this regard, the authors study and develop model of the process of preparation of competitive graduates, which identify the main directions of optimization of this process: the necessity of interaction with government agencies and the business community, the need to include in a comprehensive curriculum of preparation of bachelors and masters for the hospitality industry the requirements of employers, industry and corporate standards. In the article there is the analysis of new occupational standards and job functions managers of hotels and heads of departments and divisions of hotels, which show that the main common cultural and professional competences must be formed in the main areas of activities: resource management departments (departments) of the hotel complex; interaction with consumers and stakeholders; monitoring and evaluation of performance of departments (departments) of the hotel complex. Important role in the preparation of bachelors is given to the formation of competences in interpersonal and business communication, willingness to comply with standards of appearance, standards of hospitality and friendliness; ability to customer centricity. In the result of analysis there is proposed modular structure of the comprehensive program of bachelor “Hospitality”, a list of additional common cultural and professional competences, which are necessary to form a competitive graduate who is in demand on the market. The authors determine the main directions of preparation of masters, taking into account the necessity of formation of professional competence of top-managers that cannot only manage the hotel, but also the hotel chain.

bachelor and master in hospitality, design of hotel business, interact with hotel companies, the structure of comprehensive program “Hospitality”

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