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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development of new professional standards aimed at improving the quality of vocational education. A new generation of standards professional education will develop and innovative educational programs. Uniform requirements to professional activity help to maintain the uniform quality of labour in all enterprises of the industry, conduct training needs and improving qualification of personnel and certification of personnel, to develop modular training programmes to introduce new technologies of training based on competencies, to conduct an independent assessment of learning outcomes, to create the new classifier of professions, and to form a coherent system of continuous professional education. Currently, due to the importance of activity of the enterprises of sphere of services to solve the problem of improving the quality of life of the population, Russia has adopted and is implementing various Federal programs, such as Federal target program «Development of domestic and outbound tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011–2018», «bases of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population for the period till 2020», «Strategy of development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period till 2020» and other documents. The experience of socio- economic development of leading countries shows that the transition to a qualitatively new level of economy associated with the intensive mobilization of sources of growth, especially with the growing importance of using highly qualified personnel and the introduction of the evaluation system of vocational qualifications. Currently there are many forms of support for professional level performers of services. A key instrument for the formation of professional requirements to the specialists, workers, artists, etc. are of professional standards. Developing market processes in the field of services for the modeling and design of apparel, fur, leather, knitwear for in- dividual orders and the impact of professional community allow us to state that due to competition the quality of services increases significantly, and a key criterion in assessing the quality is the qualification of executors. Foreign and domestic experience shows that in the current conditions of socioeconomic development, develop- ment of professional standards «Specialist in modeling and designing sewing, fur, leather, knitwear for individual orders» becomes extremely important. The development of professional standards will take into account the spe- cifics of the actual services for the modeling and design of apparel, fur, leather, knitwear for individual orders to reflect the contemporary activities of a specialist in the field of fashion and beauty. The professional standard will be fully and clearly describe the requirements for specialists, to give an indication of the set of normative documents, regulating this activity.

professional standard, quality of education, quality criteria of services, scope of services, quality of life, professional standards, qualification of specialists

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