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Abstract (English):
The state of the hotel fund acts as a deterrent to development of the tourist industry in the Russian Federation. In addition, the processes of concentration and integration take place on the tourist market, directly affecting the hotel business. The article analyzes the existing problems in the hotel business and identifies possible ways to solve them, also considers development trends in the Russian hotel business, and identifies problems hampering its development. The human factor in the hospitality industry plays a leading role and is an important resource of an enterprise. Professionalism in service, the price of the service provided and the ergonomics of the hotel space have been, and continue to be the success factors in the relationship between an employee and a customer. Within the last ten years in Russia rapid development of hotel business is observed. The international hotel companies come to the large cities, the number of small private hotels grows, old Soviet hotels are reconstructed. However the proliferation isn't always followed by simultaneous improvement of quality and level of service. The hospitality industry is a basis of tourism infrastructure of any country including Russia that is confirmed by target indicators of implementing the tourism development strategy in the Russian Federation

hotel business, hotel services
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