Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article considers the problems of tourism industry in one of the recreation areas of Russia – the great lake Baikal. The authors define the general trends of the region, analyze the difficulties and problems, and suggest possible solutions. The article presents the dynamics of the increasing inbound tourism, lists the investment programs and collects data, allowing to comprehending the tourism sector development of Baikal region. The article is mainly focused on the attraction of Russian investors to develop Baikal tourism industry, upgrade its infrastructure, and staff training. It is emphasized that a close partnership should be set up between businesses and higher schools in the region whereas the companies become not only the platforms for internship but customers who need educational services. The authors highlight rather low attention of European tourists to the region and stress the necessity for making cooperation contracts with foreign higher schools interested in ecotourism that is very popular in Europe. In conclusion the authors suggest concentrating on the development of territorial branding as one of the ways of the tourism sector and local economy growth, and recommend borrowing good experience of other regions for forming branding competencies of both local communities and students – perspective managers of tourism industry.

tourism and recreation area, world standards, personnel training, territorial branding, ecotourism
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