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Abstract (English):
The history of the city of Barnaul began in 1730 with the decision to build a silver smelter. Barnaul, the city with a rich history, has a large number of cultural and historical sites and is a promising tourist center of the region. Every year the number of visitors and tourists visiting the city, increases. Cultural - educational, educational, business, congress - exhibition kinds of tourism have developed widely. The implementation of the project of the creating the tourist and recreational cluster "Barnaul – the mining city" with the purpose of improving the historical part of the city is taking place at an active pace. There are number of conditions is necessary for realizing the tourist and recreational functions of the territory, among them – a high level of infrastructure development. The existing problems in the field of regional infrastructure development causes reducing in the tourist flow to the destination. The article presents the author's definition of the term of "tourist infrastructure", which is presented as part of the territorially recreational system. The article is focused on the market of accommodation for tourists. The author provides a comprehensive analysis of the hotel services market in Barnaul, identifies and structures problems in the field of activity of accommodation

historical city, tourist infrastructure, territorial recreational system, accommodation
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