Rubrics: SERVICE
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Abstract (English):
This article shows the expediency of developing the service "master class" as an effective method of merchandising, aimed at forming consumer preferences, promoting sales of products and services in the restaurant industry. Taking into account that in modern market conditions it is becoming increasingly difficult for public catering enterprises to achieve advantage over competitors basing on price, range, promotion or location, developing a promotion strategy, special attention is paid to formulating and analyzing the concept of the enterprise, assessing its target audience and determining the best methods for the achievement of the required objectives. As the organizational and technological innovations in the restaurant industry, the authors propose to introduce master classes, which popularity is now growing noticeably. This is a modern form of training for practicing practical skills in various technologies with the aim of improving professional skills and sharing best practices of participants, expanding their horizons and joining the newest fields of knowledge. The authors develop a model of the process of providing a master class service. They propose the criteria for preparing and holding a culinary master class. Based on this model, there is proposed a service structure that includes the sequence of actions, their content and the types of processes. The methodology of the master class for cooking German cuisine "Introduction to Bavarian cuisine" is described. The progressive technological equipment, special equipment and utensils used for the master class are described. The conclusion is drawn that a qualitatively rendered service "master class" is able to ensure the formation of consumer loyalty to a certain catering enterprise or restaurant brand, increase interest in it, and, as a result, increase sales.

culinary master class, merchandising, public catering enterprise, model of service process, sales promotion, criteria for preparation and holding of culinary master class
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