Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the architectural sphere development key idea as one of the main tourist interest components. The article tells us that today it is increasing the importance of the visual urban environment perception and impressions, tourist social experience forming. These conditions provoke a significant meaning of architecture as an attractor. Modern requirements dictate the introduction of modern marketing management mechanism architectural forms need, including their optimal using in the tourism industry. It contents a lot of world and domestic practice examples. It mentions a special interest to the architectural forms creation processes and modification on the purposes of it integration in tourism. These processes could be realized through the urban environment museumification, remake-building constructing, the unrealized architectural projects implementation, architectural reset", as well as through the design of new attractions.

architecture, architectural forms, attractiveness, attractor, tourism, marketing management mechanism

В настоящее время туристская индустрия оказывает мощное воздействие на развитие архитектурной среды. Развитие международного туристского бизнеса обусловливает очевидные изменения в структуре обслуживания мировых городов. Изменяется и облик городов, «подстраиваясь» под новые запросы.


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