Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the advertising as a mythological communication. The authors are evaluated a creativity essence and creativity method in advertising, and brought to light the correlation of advertising reality and myth theory. The information is based on the recent practice examples. The article is based on the theory methods and practice activities of such world famous international advertising experts, like D. Ogilvie, D. Bernstein, L. Barnett, as well as representatives of Russian school G.Pochepcova.

advertising, creative technologies, myth, myth-design, mythmaking

Сегодня рекламу рассматривают через призму экономических, психологических, социальных и коммуникативных законов как явление чрезвычайно разнообразное и многогранное. И всегда эти исследования интересны и плодотворны. 


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