Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights the background and process conditions for the development of tourism in the Yaroslavl region. Identified are progressive and stagnation tendencies in the field of study on the basis of statistical data and generalization of secondary information. This gives an idea about the organizational and qualitative parameters of the regional tourism market. To optimize the process of formation of perspective, competitive tourism products of Yaroslavl region are defined research directions that will: identify target groups of consumers in accordance with the geography of tourist arrivals; clarify specializations in order to modernize the traditional tourist products of Yaroslavl region and determine the prospects for diversification of supply on the basis of existing tourist resources; create an hierarchy of priority types of tourism, taking into account trends in the development of global tourism trends in the development of domestic tourism in Russia as a whole in order to build prospects to enter the market with a fundamentally new to the Yaroslavl region tourist product management and infrastructure changes in the medium term. Monitoring of organizational and quality parameters is proposed as a basis for improving the process of strategic and tactical management of a collection of regional tourism products to ensure their competitiveness in the domestic and international markets.

regional tourism market, organizational and qualitative parameters, traditional tourism product, diversification in offerings of a regional tourism market.

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