The concept of post-industrial society represents a society in which the economy as a result of the technological revolution and significant income growth went from pre-emptive priority production of goods to production of services, has recently become even more relevant. For example, the World Bank experts, authors of the report "Industry of the future: a new era of global growth and innovation" argue that if a country has reached the average level of well-being, the share of services in GDP of the country begins to exceed the performance of industry and agriculture. Currently, as post-industrial countries are classified those countries in which the service sector accounts for well over half of GDP. Fall under this criterion, in the first place, the United States (the service sector accounts for 79.4% of US GDP), European Union (the service sector is 69.4% of the GDP of the EU countries), and all developed countries. A comparative analysis of the service sector in Russia shows that without a radical increase in the efficiency of the sector the transition of our country in the post-industrial stage of development is impossible. The post-industrial structure of the economy suggests that overall GDP of more than 50% is formed by the service sector. The rapid development of the service sector and the increase of its share in the gross national product are features of the country´s transition to a post-industrial stage of development. Only relatively recently came the understanding of the important role services can play in the process of integration into the global economy and the international division of labor. Overall condition of the Russian service sector shows that without a radical increase in the efficiency of this sector, to speak of Russia´s transition to a post-industrial stage of development is prematurely. Comparative analysis of the dependence of the well-being of the world from the share of services in countries’ GDP, revealed a number of interesting facts that have enabled the author to supplement, clarify and restate the conclusion of international experts as follows: the service sector in the GDP of the country begins to exceed the performance of industry and agriculture if the country embarked on the path of the main characteristics of the post-industrial society - the development of services. The welfare of the country, in this case does not matter. Moreover, at present the number of countries in which the service sector accounts for well over half of GDP, is growing rapidly.
post-industrial society, services
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