Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the most significant tasks and problems amplifying every year for all heads of management companies and other organizations of a housing and municipal complex is the effective legal department receivables of the enterprises of branch. Today the debt of the population on payment for utilities is the most widespread type of a debt in relationship between management companies, the supplying resources organizations and consumers of services of housing and communal services. For this reason the majority of the disputes, which are at permission in courts of law, arise between the organizations of housing and communal services, natural and legal entities. In the article actual problems of compensation of debts of the population on payment of housing-and-municipal services are considered, the main reasons for emergence of non-payments, and also difficulties of management companies in work with defaulters are established. The statistical material characterizing the volume of debt for housing-and-municipal services in the country including by regions of Russia is given. On the base of considering of the debt structure is revealed that its main part is made by debts on heat supply. The special attention in article is paid to the transition tendency arising now from delay by citizens of payment of obligatory payments to systematic failure to pay that causes the necessity of acceptance of urgent measures for strengthening of discipline of payments. Various ways of impact of management companies and associations of owners of housing on unfair residents are given. In article on the basis of the review of legislative initiatives the offers on ensuring repayment of debt on housing-and-municipal services directed on improvement of payment discipline of consumers of services, increase of mutually responsibility of all subjects of system of the relations, and also on providing necessary conditions for effective work of the organizations and the enterprises of branch are considered. It is noted that against the possible growth of volume of debts formation among the population of steady understanding of importance of timely fee of a housing-and-municipal complex becomes topical issue.

housing and communal services, housing and municipal services, managing organization, debt, defaulters, utilities and communal payments

Работа по возмещению задолженностей населения по оплате жилищно-коммунальных услуг (ЖКУ) всегда являлась достаточно актуальной темой. Происходящие в России процессы реформ жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, как правило, не затрагивали проблемы повышения уровня собираемости платежей населения за предоставляемые услуги [3]. Жесткие санкции к должникам обязательных платежей являлись всегда непопулярными среди политических деятелей, поэтому неплательщики жилищно-коммунальных услуг были и остаются.


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